We have all heard "Plant a Tree." A tree, and another, and another is fine, however I advocate "Plant a Grove of Trees." Trees are naturally accustomed to growing in bunches - not singly the way we are generally accustomed to planting trees.By planting groves, you can actually plant ALOT more trees within a given area, and after time, if they seem too crowded, you can take out a few trees here and there, and use the trunks as garden poles. However, we have been so brainwashed into thinking that each tree needs alot of its own space, that we are afraid to let the trees figure it out and grow in balance with each other, as shown in the loblolly pine grove pictured below.

In the forest, I see perfectly healthy trees growing just inches apart. In fields, I have seen wonderful groves of sassafras and oak trees, in which each tree flowed into the next so that the shape of the group mimicked the shape of an individual tree, only wider. I think the trees like the companionship of being so close together.


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